This service provides a limited number of non-profits globally a cost-effective opportunity to have Jill and the Papillon UK team looking out for funding and other opportunities in the UK. Clients opting for this service enjoy:
- Specialist advisors as part of the team, but at a nominal cost
- The Papillon UK team constantly ‘looking out’ for funding, marketing and other opportunities in the UK
- Ongoing input of ideas and support
- Ongoing objective advice without having to spend time and money briefing new consultants
A one-off fee of is charged to assess client organisations’ past and current funding streams, projects, budgets, fundraising and marketing materials as well as its strengths and challenges. The capacity of the funding and marketing team is also assessed during this process.
Thereafter, a low monthly fee ensures ongoing oversight, advice and guidance of fundraising, marketing and financial sustainability of the organisation.
Papillon UK’s Oversight Service is not:
- The same as Coaching/Mentoring
- Fundraising for an organisation or writing or editing documents
This service is limited to five hours of one-on-one consultancy time with a Papillon UK team member each month (which time can be ‘banked’ and rolled over if not used and is not lost).
If interested in becoming one of Papillon UK’s small number of such clients, please complete our free self-test to ensure eligibility for UK fundraising. Once all eligibility criteria have been addressed, email Jill Ritchie for further information jill@papillonpress.biz
What Our Clients Say
- Capital Campaign Management
- Customised Planning of UK Fundraising
- Direct Mail Copywriting
- Donor Advisory
- Fundraising Events in the UK
- Kick-Starting The UK Fundraising Process
- Oversight
- Registration of UK Entity
- Short Term Fundraising Cover
- Tailored UK Donor Prospect Research
- UK Fundraising Coaching/Mentoring