
Fundraising Videos

Don’t make a mistake when filming videos to aid fundraising! One of our team members called me from the USA. She was there on a private visit and, luckily, managed to find an opportunity to present about one of our client NPOs to the staff of one of America’s largest

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Avoid the ‘Also-ran’ Trap

As a fundraising consultant, I tend to get the same requests for advice. That’s understandable when they pertain to: How can we increase our income from UK donors? Could you guide us in arranging a fundraising event in London? Please write up a fundraising strategy, advise us on the ‘fund

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Donors’ Rights

Many countries’ professional fundraising bodies have a list of donors’ rights that their members are required to undertake to adhere to. But even if your country has no such body, it is imperative for all fundraisers everywhere to respect the rights of donors to support the causes that they care

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Commission-Based Fundraising – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Never have I run a training course, irrespective of the topic, or presented at a fundraising conference, without the question of commission-based fundraising being raised. The good Commission-based fundraising is only good for small or financially strapped non-profits or start up organisations with no money to pay a fundraiser. The bad

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Are your Policies Up-to-date?

Staff and volunteers from non-profits around the world seeking funding from UK donors must ensure that they have all relevant policies updated annually and on their websites. This has become non-negotiable for British donor trusts. Aside from obvious policies such as safe-guarding, organisations must also have policies on data protection,

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The Characteristics of a Good Fundraiser

In 2004, I wrote a book on using the internet as a fundraising tool, www.fundraising. It was before the advent of social media and was speculative. I based the book on using tried-and-tested fundraising methods, principles and practices, but online. I had to get some input from people way more tech-savvy than

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